Thank you to our BOE!
“These extraordinary seven individuals provide the leadership and vision to make great things happen in our schools,” said Patrick McKernan, Superintendent of Schools “They volunteer countless hours by attending meetings, reading reports, and discussing ideas. They also participate in workshops and seminars so that they can stay on top of education issues and trends. They provide an invaluable service to our community.”
Please take time to thank them if you see them. Their dedication and commitment to kids goes well beyond the one meeting a month. With over 80 plus years combined board of education service, the Troy USD 429 board always considers the kids first and foremost in their decision making. Their job is challenging and many times goes unrecognized. Even though they are in the public eye, most of the time their decisions are questioned instead of appreciated. Our school board members develop policies and make tough decisions that help shape the future of our education system. Thank you to Steve Bowe, Annika Franken, Nathan Geiger, Tim Grable, Jennifer Luedke, Nikia Weber, and Jason Winder for their willingness to give back to the community and the school district!